Most regiments have a Book of Remembrance commemorating those who died in the service.
The Book of Remembrance for DERR lies in St Michael Chapel in the South Transept of
Salisbury Cathedral.
On 17 May 2023 there will be a service to dedicate the RGBW Book of Remembrance which
contains the 16 names of the officers and soldiers of the RGBW who died while serving.
The book continues with remembering the 62 members of The Rifles who have died on
The service is being held within the Quire of Salisbury Cathedral and will commence at
14:30 hours, everyone to be seated by 14:15 hours. The Quire has seating for a maximum of
200 people. The priority for attendance will be to the next of kin of the RGBW and those
families representing the 62 Riflemen and the invited guests.
For the Association there are presently 90 seats, though this number may well increase if
next of kin do not attend. The service is expected to last about 45 minutes.
Once the service is over everyone will make their way to The Wardrobe and once all
assembled, there will be a short service to inter the ashes of the cremated colours of the 62nd
(Wiltshire) Regiment. Then we break off from the formal part of the day and take Tea
Sandwiches and cakes prior departing on one’s way home.
Attendance will be a ticket only event, at no cost, but in order to obtain a ticket you will be
required to apply for them by completing the form on the Association website. It will be on a
first come first serve basis.
Those wishing to bid for tickets should go to the RGBW website and complete the ticket
application form. Emails are required for the tickets and details of the day to be sent to you.
Those who are unsuccessful in getting tickets may be able to access the Nave of the Cathedral
to watch the service though if you do adopt that course you need to fully understand you
would have to pay the admission charge to visit the Cathedral.