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County Administrator’s News

The four county administrators can now submit news items directly onto this website to keep members informed. All they simply need to do is once registered onto the website, log in and a new item will appear in the main menu “Submit News” and the submission page will appear. Once checked the news will be published. Or follow this link

1 thought on “County Administrator’s News”

  1. No More Parades: It is my sad duty to inform the passing of 24343168 Robert (Rob) Bishop of the 1st Battalion of The Gloucestershire Regiment on the 17thof June 2024 at Taunton Musgrove Hospital after a brave fight against cancer. Rob is survived by three Sisters who are coordinating his funeral which will be held at Westerliegh. The County Chairman for Somerset is liaising with the family and will issue a service notice when all details are confirmed, On behalf of the Regimental Association, sincere condolences are sent to Linda, Hazel and Nina.
    “by our deeds, we are known”

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