No More Parades (Belated Notice): It is my sad duty to inform the passing of Mr & Mrs Stan and June Knipes. Stan Joined the Royal Berkshire Regiment in the fifty’s and then moved to the 5th battalion of the Gloucestershire regiment. In the seventies, he set up the Royal Berkshire Severn branch as he had found that a lot of Gloucester lads had been put in the Berks and not the Glosters like himself. He was the driving force behind the branch and association, when the regiment’s amalgamated into the RGBW, Stan and branch members decided to rename the branch to the RGBW Severn Branch.
He saw the only way to keep the former Regiment’s history alive was by encouraging younger members to join. To this aim, he has succeeded by leaving a successful branch. That supports the Maiwand Parade, Back Badged Day Parade, Imjin Lunch, Winchester Lunch, Local charities and events. Stan finally gave up standing on the Branch committee in 2016, after over forty year’s loyal commitment, not only to the branch but the association through all its changes. Both Stan and June’s funerals took place, at St James’s Church Quegdeley Gloucester on the 9th of February 2023