Val Watkins daughter Alison has put a message on Facebook about parking.
Ali has spoken to the Berkeley Estate Manager and we can use the Berkeley Castle Car Park and gain entrance to St Mary’s Church at 1300hrs.
You drive through the main gates into Berkeley Castle Car Park, go up to the right and drive into the top car park which is tarmac with painted parking spaces. There is a field with a wooden gate for cars and then the pedestrian gate through which you can gain entrance. If you arrive before 1300hrs you will have to wait in your cars.
There is a cafe there but it is closed at present as Berkeley Castle itself is not yet open to the public.
Hopefully this is all clear. Please pass on to any others you know are attending. There is a car park in Berkeley but it is very small.
Len is making a contribution from his Funeral Fund for the special parking permission. Individual Contributions will be welcome.