in conjunction with the Army Flying Museum
The Trustees of the Rifles, Berkshire and Wiltshire Museum have embarked on a bold initiative harnessing the already proven record of the Army Flying Museum’s of their online lectures. Benefitting from their technical and marketing expertise we are making three online presentations. To use the filming jargon, the first two lectures are already in the can.
The first online presentation is a closer look at the Battle of Maiwand given by Jon Wort, it is pre-recorded, but the presentation will be followed by a live Q & A session.
This hyperlink to the regimental museum’s online lecture page will provide a brief synopsis to the first two lectures:
The hyperlink that follows for the Army Flying Museum will take you to the page where you may book your ticket of the Maiwand Lecture:
The third presentation has yet to be filmed but is likely to cover The Battle of the Island just short of Arnhem bridge in October 1944, involving the 4th and 5th Battalions the Wiltshire Regiment.
The Maiwand Online Presentation is on 17 May 2022 with the second lecture covering war experiences of Basil Tarrant MC, father of Chris Tarrant being shown on 15 June 2022.
Hopefully, the flyer and this brief explanation will encourage you to book a place.