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Living History Festival at the Wardrobe 10th & 11th August 2024

We are reaching out to see if you can offer some support to the Wardrobe for our major fundraising event of the year.

This year, on Saturday and Sunday 10th and 11th August we are holding our Living History Festival, with groups representing armed combat from Medieval times, through the Napoleon Period, the two World Wars and up to the modern day.

Support Area 1

Can you spare a couple of hours over the weekend to come and help? 

Last year this event went well, with over 1,500 people through the doors during the two days. This year we intend to do better and to trial a new way of making some money from the footfall, to support our museum redevelopment which starts in October this year.

Entry to the venue of the Wardrobe, which will include access to the museum, gardens and the Living History events will be free (that is how the event was first publicised and we can’t change it now) but we need to encourage entrance by donation. 

We will establish a small meet and greet area as a choke point by the front entrance. This will quickly process people through, directing them into the museum where they will follow the museum route round to the garden door.

What we need are the right sort of people to welcome visitors, very quickly explain:

  • The whole event is free, including entry to the museum which is normally £5.
  • You can stay as long as you want and leave and come back later.
  • Look through the museum, wander the gardens, see all the events, visit the shop and cafe. 
  • We are a charity and it would be great if you could support us so we are able to run such events in the future – by making a small cash or card donation – how about just £5 or £10 for your family of 5? 

(or similar)

We also need people to be explaining the story of our Regiments at the front end of the museum route and ushering people through and/or be on hand to answer any questions.

We have our normal volunteers, but with an event of this scale we need more support – in particular at the front end – the meet and greet and to encourage donations.

So the request is can you spare a couple of hours over the weekend of 10th and 11th August to come and help. Will you also spread this request out through your network so others can come and enjoy the date/weekend and give is some additional support? You can bring partners, kids, grandchildren and enjoy the event yourself – in addition to a short shift at the entrance!

Please respond by sending an email to Ross Keel at:

Ross will be putting together the schedule for manning the meet and greet area, so please tell him your available/preferred times across the two days. Also note that we will have vintage vehicles and food outlets on the front drive so there will be no parking available on site. 

Full instructions will be given on the day and passed down across the shifts. You can wear what you want, collar and Regimental tie, polo shirt and regimental golf cap or just shorts and T shirts. We will try to get some caps for the on shift team to wear.

Support Area 2

We are running a ‘Military Surplus’ style stall which will contain stock from the Wardrobe that has drifted in/donated over the years – such as military and historical books,  mugs, tankards, sleeping bags, webbing, buttons etc. These are not accessioned or historical items.

Please can you add to our stock? If you still have your old respirator, webbing, helmet, some uniform or military books you have read and don’t want anymore then please can you donate these and we will try to sell them for the benefit of the museum redevelopment project.

Either send them to the museum FAO Alistair Riggs and marked as a donation for the stall, or drop them in, or bring them in person on the weekend of 10/11 August and put them on the stall.

We are sure you all have something to clear out – so this is an excellent opportunity and for a good cause.

And Finally…..

Apologies if you get this message several times from different directions. Our contact lists are fragmented and owned by different people. We are looking at how we can best combine these going forwards and who wants to receive what emails on what subjects!  Thank you for your patience.

Please do everything you can to support us on this important day. Its a great opportunity to meet up with old comrades and see the old Lee Enfield you may have once used?

Very many thanks.

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